VLF Tx27 Transmitter
Power Supply Needed: 120/220V, 350 W.
Frequency: 18.6 kHz.
Temperature Range: -40°C to 60°C.
Output Voltage: 91V, 110V, 130V.
Output Current: 1.30A, 1.10A, 0.93A, 0.78A, 0.65A.

Measured Quantity: In-phase and Quadrature components of the secondary VLF field, as percentages of the primary field.
Primary Field Source: VLF broadcast stations.
Sensor: Ferrite-core coil.
Operating Frequency: 15 to 25 kHz (optionally to 30 kHz) depending on VLF broadcasting station.
Measurement Ranges: In-phase: ± 150%, Quadrature: ± 40%.
Power Supply: 6 alkaline “AA” cells.

EM-16R VLF-EM Electric Field
Measured Quantity: Apparent resistivity in ohm-metres, and phase angle between Eₓ and Hᵧ.
Primary Field Source: VLF broadcast stations.
Sensor: Stainless-steel electrodes, separated by 10: impedance of sensor is 100 MΩ in parallel with 0.5 pf.
Operating Frequency: 15 to 25 kHz (optionally to 30 kHz) depending on VLF broadcasting station.
Measurement Ranges: 300, 3000, 30000 Ω-m. Phase 0-90°.
Power Supply: 6 alkaline “AA” cells.